No-Till Tools for Small-Scale Applications
USDA ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory
No-Till Equipment for Small-Scale Conservation Farming Systems
On small farms, tractors are usually small and less powerful than those on large farms. Daily field operations are often limited in size. In organic vegetable production, for example, field operations may be done one bed at a time. Traditional roller/crimpers can be too heavy for the available equipment and too large for the narrow beds that are common in smaller vegetable systems. The National Soil Dynamics Lab in Auburn, Alabama has developed tools to address these constraints. Join us for presentations and on-farm demonstrations led by Dr. Ted Kornecki and Corey Kichler, ARS NSDL.
USDA NRCS Soil Health Division
Soil Health Principles and Management for Small Scale/Urban Agriculture
As world population and food production demands rise, keeping our soil healthy and productive is of paramount importance. By farming using soil health principles and systems that include no-till, cover cropping, and diverse rotations, more and more farmers are increasing their soil’s organic matter and improving microbial activity. NRCS Soil Health Specialists will join us to present information about soil health principles and management systems. Representatives from Louisiana NRCS will provide information about opportunities with NRCS conservation programs for small scale and regenerative growers. Sessions will be led by Josh Beniston and Willie Durham, NRCS SHD and Eugene Livingston, LA NRCS.
Monday, April 3rd, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
DeLaTerre Permaculture Farm, 9338 Highway 34, Eros, LA 71238
A forty-three-acre diversified farm with two and a half acres in vegetable production, DeLaTerre Permaculture Farm integrates cover crops into their vegetable rotation to build soil health. Sheep, goats and laying hens add fertility to the soil. Louisiana NRCS, Soil Health Division will discuss the benefits/challenges of cover crop integration in soil health management systems. There will also be a side-by-side demonstration of cover crop termination methods - flailing, roller-crimping, tarping, etc. for small-scale operations and rotational grazing of small ruminants. Session led by Donna Isaacs and Waylon Breaux, Co-owners.
Tuesday, April 4th, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Jubilee Justice, 6233 Old Baton Rouge Highway, Alexandria, LA 71302
Jubilee Justice is a nonprofit organization, whose mission is to heal and transform the wounds suffered by the people and the land through reparative genealogy and regenerative agriculture. Their black farmers' program provides Black farming communities with sustainable, regenerative practices, cooperative ownership, and financial security in the whole value chain of their crops. The five-acre farm on Inglewood plantation serves as an experimental area for research and development. In 2022 their No-Till dryland (SRI) rice trials had, fewer diseases, a shorter crop cycle, and an average of 91% higher yields compared to their other trials. Sessions led by Konda Mason, Founder and Iriel Edwards, Farm Manager.