Livestock Production with Steve Campbell
Are YOU concentrating on the most profitable things for YOUR ranch?
On the ranch: 40% of your profit is fertility, 30% is the maintenance cost of the cow, 20% is growth and 10% is carcass traits. Growth and carcass traits put money in the back pocket of the feedlot operator and the packer. Because of industry breeding for the feedlot for the last 60+ years, very few cows can thrive in an all-forage environment. In this 3-Day workshop Steve will help you learn to identify the all-forage type animal in your herd, and/or what to look for in someone else’s herd when purchasing outside animals.
Are you STILL using industry-made band-aids to mask industry-made problems?
The industry has turned our soil into dirt, diversity into monoculture, and nourishment into a commodity, resulting in degenerated soil, plants, animals, and HUMANS. Steve promotes things that are natural, work, follow nature, and don’t cost a lot of money. He will teach you how to use natural toxin binders to remove what the wind blows in from your neighbor and how to re-mineralize your soil without breaking the bank.
Steve Campbell has been in the cattle industry his whole life. Steve understands the complexities of producing premium beef. From soil health, quality forage production, nutrition, mineral intake, stock selection, calving, and more Steve works with producers to find ways to improve their operation and get better results. Much like people source business coaches, Steve is a “cattle coach” and will assist you in reaching higher levels of success with your beef herd.
– Are you wanting to create a herd of cows that eat 20-40% less than your current animals?
– Do you want an inexpensive method of detoxing yourself, your livestock, and your land from man’s 10,000 plus toxins in our environment?
– Do you want to be able to “see” tender and flavorful beef on the hoof?
Join us for 3 information-packed days with Steve Campbell and build your farm profitability.
Session Descriptions:
Day 1 (Morning): Minerals, Toxins, and Epi-Genetics
Man is responsible for the low-mineral and high-toxin environment that our animals are trying to exist in. We will discuss the causes and some low-cost, natural solutions to remedy this situation.
Day 1 (Afternoon): The “Red Solo Cup” Cow
Fertility and Growth are on OPPOSITE ends of the teeter-totter. The “space race” in growth to create animals that will grow fast in the feedlot has taken money out of our pocket and put it in the pocket of the feeders and packers. Sisters of THOSE steers require quite a few supplements to work on the grass we grow.
There is a certain shape to fertile and easy keeping cows. We will have a thorough discussion of this highly important topic to your PROFITABILITY on your grass with cows.
Day 2 (Morning): Live Animal Demonstration
This day will be all about turning beds over and replanting. We will do a soil block demonstration, talk a bit about greenhouse and transplant management, and get to see some different planting strategies including how to use compost teas and extracts at planting time.
“Drayson’s Prophecy” We will dive into the makeup of a
fertile bull. When we talked about the cow, the back end was most important.
With a bull, it is all about the front end. Remember “Ferdinand the bull” from
the cartoons? Really fertile bulls will look like they are walking uphill on
level ground.
Day 3 (Morning) Live Animal Demonstrations and Livestock Forage
Diversity of species in the soil, growing in that soil,
grazing the production of that soil all either enhance or degrade the resource
that you are currently grazing. The more diversity and ground cover we can
promote, the faster we can turn “dirt into Soil”
Overview of the last three days and Q&A
When: September 29 – October 1, 2022 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: Dr. Charles H. Garrett Community Center, 182 Industrial Drive, Jonesboro, LA 71251
Registration Fee: $125